The Global Asthma Report 2022


Asthma remains a neglected heath problem in Sudan. In ISAAC Phase III, undertaken in 2003, the prevalence of wheeze in the past 12 months among adolescents was estimated to be 12.5%, and by GAN Phase I, fourteen years later in 2017 at 5.7%. Nonetheless the prevalence of having asthma ever were reported at 15.5% and 18.2% by the Sudanese respondents of ISAAC Phase III and GAN Phase I respectively. A health system survey reflected a readiness range of health facilities ranging from 36.4 to 86.4 %.

Additionally, in Sudan between 2009 and 2021, a Standard Case Management asthma pilot project resulted in significant reductions in hospital and related emergency-room admissions. Hospitalisation was reduced, 73.5% had no hospitalisation in the previous 12 months at enrolment and this increased to 98.2% at 1-year follow-up. Patients improved and shifted from Severe and Moderate to Mild and Intermittent with reasonable rates of loss to follow-up demonstrating that asthma can be managed effectively in rural, resource-limited settings (Figure 1).

A more recent study in Gezira - Sudan showed that 59% out of the overall identified presumed CRD patients were referred to a health facility and a diagnoses was made. Asthma constituted 44% of overall cases (Figures 2 & 3). Expansion of standardised CRD management and investment in health system strengthening including human resource capacity building and sustainability of diagnostics and treatment supply to tackle CRDs including asthma is imperative for universal health coverage.

Hana El Sadig, Sara A Hassanain, Sundos Hamza, Najlaa Mohamed Abass, Rana Ahmed

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Hana El Sadig, Sara A Hassanain, Sundos Hamza, Najlaa Mohamed Abass, Rana Ahmed

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