The Global Asthma Report 2022



The high prevalence of severe asthma is of concern in EMRO. Asthma and inhalers are stigmatised in society. However the readiness and capacity of countries to address asthma varies substantially. Barriers to the implementation of successful asthma programmes include lack of regional, standardised packages of care, low rates of dissemination and implementation of national and international treatment guidelines, and under-recognition and undertreatment of asthma.

Other barriers include weak health systems and low levels of patient education and training of primary health care professionals, limited access and distribution of ICS except in KSA and the Gulf States, and instability inflicted by conflict and war zones. To improve asthma service delivery, health authorities, academics and organisations working in asthma, should collaborate to develop programmatic management of asthma, taking in consideration GAN results, COVID-19, war impact and regional features as recommended by GARD

Asma El Sony, Yousser Mohammad

Next: Asthma in the European region >


We urge health authorities and academics, at country level, WHO/EMRO and The Union’s Regional Office to enhance political commitment and promote programmatic management, to improve asthma service delivery.  

Asma El Sony, Yousser Mohammad

Next: Asthma in the European region >